Adam E. Hyland is Vice President of 5Thirteen Consulting as well as the founder and principal of EccaNova, Strategic Online Ad Buying & Mobilization Technologies. Adam is an innovator in the pioneering field of online community mobilization, whose affiliation with 5Thirteen is not only a source of pride for us but affords our clients excellence in the digital arena.
Hyland has over 20 years of experience in political mobilization campaigns both domestically and internationally. The campaigns have ranged from township trustees elections to Presidential campaigns. Adam founded EccaNova in 2010 after a career in political field strategy, community organizing, and urban planning consulting. While utilizing the outreach tools of Fortune 100 corporations to mobilize communities, Adam pioneered new techniques of community mobilization and managed and oversaw research of online targeting for The Saint Consulting Group (TSCG). His years of experience managing field campaigns for political and corporate clients gave him the insight and tools to develop a team of political and online media strategists when building EccaNova. EccaNova is now a pioneering company in the field of online ad buying and community mobilization.
Direct: (917) 653-3311
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